Aug 16, 2008

Seller disclosure: Termites & Wood rot

Sellers are required to disclose any material fact they know about their home to a potential buyer. This would include any information the seller would have regarding termites, pests, dry rot or any other wood destroying organism.

The seller should provide the following information:
  • Have you discovered termites, wood rot, pest or wood destroying organisms during the time you have owned the home?
  • Have you had any treatment or repaired damage caused by any of the above while you have owned the home?
  • Is your home under a licensed pest control warranty or bond?
  • If you have a warranty or bond, who is it with, is it transferable, is there a fee to transfer and is it a treatment or repair bond?
  • Are you in possession of or know of any WDO reports or treatment conducted on the property in the past 5 years?

A buyer should be interested in receiving this type of information from a seller when making the decision to buy the home. At Watson Realty, we require the seller to put what they know in writing whenever possible. This information is then passed on to any interested buyers.

Buying or selling a home is less stressful when the proper disclosures are made in a timely manner. Termite and wood rot disclosures are important disclosures a seller should make to any and all buyers interested in buying their home.

Related Florida real estate views:

- Greg Staker - Watson Realty Corp. - 407-304-0255

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