Mar 31, 2011

Are you licensed to sell real estate in Florida but don’t want to spend the money to join the REALTOR boards?

Are you licensed to sell real estate in Florida but don’t want to spend the money to join the Realtor boards or you just have the time or desire to sell real estate full time?  You may want to contact me about enrolling in Watson Referral Realty.  By joining, you can receive referral income by sending referrals my way! Everyone knows someone that will be buying or selling real estate in the future, why not take advantage of your license and get paid?

Watson Referral Realty, Inc. is a Corporation organized for the purpose of providing referrals to Real Estate Brokers with full-time licensees.  If you know someone who works for Watson Realty, you can choose for that agent to receive your referral.  Referrals include someone listing their home, someone looking to buy a home or anyone wishing to rent a home.

I can email, ( you the enrollment package and additional information.  Or call me 407-304-0255.

Mar 28, 2011

One in Five Canadians Would Consider Purchasing Property in the US

A BMO Bank of Montreal study revealed that 20% of Canadians would consider purchasing real estate in the US because of low prices and the strength of the Canadian dollar.

Canadians interested in purchasing property in Central Florida may want to take a look at the Osceola County area.  Home to Kissimmee, Osceola County offers a number of quality homes at affordable prices.  Short term rental zoning is also very attractive to out of area buyers. 

Call or email to receive information on buying a short sale or foreclosure home in the Kissimmee-Central Florida area.

Mar 22, 2011

50,000 blue balloons and nearly as many real estate agents

On March 26-27  neighborhoods throughout Florida will have blue balloons and open house signs where houses are for sale.  The Florida Realtors Association is promoting the state-wide open house weekend.  Buyers will want to take advantage of this opportunity to visit homes in areas of their choosing. 

The video below offers a detailed explanation about the upcoming open house.