Dec 27, 2011

Real estate 45 hour post licensing class for new agents in Central Florida

Watson Realty will be offering a 45 hour post licensing class during the early part of 2012 for agents who recently received their Florida real estate license.  If you still have to take your 45 hour class, please call or email me for class information, price and location.

At Watson Realty Kissimmee, we are excited about the prospects for the New Year!  We have some exciting training programs on tap for our agents including; Selling HUD Homes, Internet marketing and prospecting, and Tech Training.  We also are excited about the online classes and workshops that are free for Watson Realty agents to take part in as well as the enhanced and online contact management solutions provided to each Watson agent!

If you would like more information about our 45 hour post licensing class, or if you would like more information about joining Watson Realty Corp, email or call me today!