Jul 29, 2009

I want you to call, text or email me about a house, but please not while you are driving.

I want you to call, text or email me about a house, but please not while you are driving. Making a call, answering an email or sending a text message while driving is unsafe and can lead to accidents. That is why the Florida Highway Patrol is promoting safe driving practices, with a primary focus on eliminating distractions.

Colonel John Czernis,FHP Director says, “With all of the technology available to us today, it is easy to be tempted to make a quick phone call or to send a quick text to a friend, but driving requires the operator’s full attention and focus. Taking your eyes off the road for a moment to change a CD, dial a phone number or text a message can be disastrous.”

The Florida Highway Patrol will be working with the community and passing out literature in hopes of raising the awareness of safe driving practices.

Drivers who send text messages while driving and want help in stopping this distracting and dangerous habit might want to consider a new product I found while surfing for more information on this subject. Textecution™ claims to be an application that disables your phones ability to receive or send text messages once you are traveling faster than 10 mile per hour. As a disclaimer I have not personally tested this application or have any relationship with the company.

Please don’t stop emailing, calling or sending me texts asking about real estate, just pull over before you do.

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