Jul 15, 2009

Florida real estate agents promote the healthy homes call to action as part of our business

The Florida Department of Health announced that they would be responding to the United States’ Surgeon General’s Call to Action to promote healthy homes. The goal is to reduce or eliminate health hazards found in the home.

As real estate agents we continually do our part in support of helping current and future homeowners maintain a healthy home. We strongly encourage buyers to conduct a number of professional inspections that might reveal problems with the home. These inspections can include, water testing, septic testing, mold inspections, Chinese drywall inspections, radon inspections, electrical inspections and pest inspections. These inspection reports often reveal issues that need repaired or remedied before the buyer closes on the transaction.

Additionally agents will encourage buyers and sellers to sign up for a home warranty plan. Having home warranty coverage on your home when selling or immediately after buying can provide a peace of mind that should a major issue develop that impact the homes condition, the owner will be able to quickly have the issue resolved at a minimal cost.

I support the government’s initiative to promote healthy housing. It is something that the agents and I do daily as part of our careers. If you are buying a home and want information on the inspection or home warranty process, contact me.

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