Dec 20, 2007

Will you be able to sell your home in 2008?

Many home owners who decided to sell their Florida home in 2007 were met with frustration, uncertainty and in the majority of cases, no success. Even those who are persistent and have kept their home on the market through the year are finding the For Sale sign is gathering cob webs faster than they are collecting potential buyers.

Can a home owner expect more of the same in the first part of 2008? It will depend on their personal situation.

An amazing fact overlooked when considering the Seminole and Orange County real estate market in 2007 is that 20% of the homes (2923 out of 14,294) that sold in 2007 received an offer within *30 days of being placed on the market.

So what gives? What secrets do these agents and home owners know that a home owner in 2008 should know?

The fact of the matter is, there are no secrets to be revealed. In order to have an opportunity to sell your home in 2008 as quickly as those sellers did in 2007 requires a personal decision on the part of the home owner, and real estate agent, to present the very best home available. How can you make sure your home is the very best home available in your area in 2008?

Correct pricing – Make sure your home is listed at a price that makes it impossible for a buyer to find a home similar to yours for less money. Monitor your price weekly, keep an eye on the latest sales in your area; the latest homes put up for sale; and those homes that failed to sell.

Staging and enhancement – Clean it, move it, get rid of it, fix it or replace it. Whatever “it” is, if it can keep your home from showing its very best, do something about it.

Hire a top marketing real estate professional - Follow their expert guidance. This is not your grandmother’s real estate business anymore. Today we also have the Internet as a marketing tool. Make sure the real estate professional you hire is equally comfortable with how to market your home to online buyers as well as marketing your home to those buyers who may be looking in the Sunday morning paper.

That pretty well sums it up. These have proven to be the core 3 decisions a seller makes that will determine if their home sells or not. Those sellers who make sure they have the very best marketing coupled with their home being priced according to condition, location and improvement should be able to confidently expect it to sell in 2008.

* As reported in the Mid Florida MLS ADOM statistics

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