Dec 15, 2007

Trying to stay in Google for real estate related terms

The above should be sung to the tune of " lions, tigers and bears, oh my!"

It has been a bad week for my main website. Last Sunday I felt like I needed to redirect a domain name to my main domain. Of course this is something I have never done, knew little about but hey, what could it hurt, right?

Well almost 1 week later, here is the damage. I have lost all real estate keyword positions previously held before last Sunday. I spent at least a day listed on Google for the only term I can find that links to my site, my name, with that ugly "run screaming for your life away from this site" warning just below my site's description. OK, it may not have read exactly like that but it sure felt like it when I read it.

I am not even sure the malware warning was due to my redirect. I have my site hosted with a hosting company and there are reports circulating indicating malware problems. A call to my hosting company and a 45 minute conversation with a nice enough fella who stated confidently that there was no malicious code on my site left me with few answers to my problem.

Then just like that, ok, I did submit for a Google review, but still, just like that the warning label was gone by the next morning. Not so lucky as of now about my keywords, however. They are still in disappeared land.

OK, venting now over.

Actually I feel like I handled this with remarkable calm. I still received a few good leads this week. Yahoo seems to love my site lately.

So what does this all have to do with Florida real estate and Watson Realty and Orlando real estate which is what this blog is suppose to be about?

Well, until I can figure out what went wrong, Google customers for the most part are missing the chance to visit one of the very best real estate sites to search for Orlando and surrounding area homes.

All is not lost, you can still get there from here.

Stay tuned.

Related Florida real estate views:

I went searching for a bank and found a Neopet

Orlando housing

What is Google trying to say?

- Greg Staker - Watson Realty Corp. - 407-304-0255

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