Oct 26, 2006

Florida home sales remain healthy

While the country experiences a sharp decline in home sales and even the Central Florida market adjusted sharply in 2006, the sellers who contracted associates from Watson Maitland to sell their property, have not felt the full brunt of the changing market.

As an office we have avoided the double digit drop in closed and written business volume that our competitors and sister offices have experienced. Part of the staying power has been the increase of listings and the ability to close new business we have opened.

Besides the increase in listings and limiting "fall-thrus", the associates of Maitland have been diligent in their marketing, dusting off old stand bys of days gone by. Open houses on nearly every day of the week, Broker opens, creative flyers and post cards to targeted neighborhoods, phone calls to their center of influences to ask for referrals. Sign riders, associate paid advertisement and neighborhood walking all have had a part to the success of this year.

Maitland associates have also embraced the new. Virtual tours, virtual caravans during sales meetings and personal and real estate related website positioning all work to give our sellers the maximum exposure. Targeting the limited supply of buyers is the goal that each and every associate takes seriously.

No better example of how noticeable their efforts have been than noting a call our floor agent received last week. As relayed to me, our associate received a call from a seller who has their home listed with a nationally known company. The seller, through their own research, found that Watson Realty Maitland lists their homes on several different classified websites. They were curious if we would tell them how we get such exposure, so they could relay it on to their listing associate. Amazing.

The back to basics theme appears to have worked. The experience level, business minded nature and professionalism that the Watson Maitland associates have insured their continued success this year.

Related Florida real estate views:

Is customer service improving as the market weakens?

Real estate agent flying high

Advertise your home where it will do the most good

- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407-304-0255

Our buyers and sellers are the true winners. Instead of gimmicks and negative results, we have been able to provide to them a service that is made up of positive attitudes and fundamental practices.

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