Oct 18, 2005

Google, granddaughters & guessing

My daughter and granddaughter were here for a 5 day visit. I have commented before that one of the biggest perks of selling real estate is the ability to "take off work" without losing pay or job. What a sweet, innocent and tender girl my granddaughter is. I'm sure she exhibits many of the same qualities and actions that her mother use to frustrate me with when she was her age, but in these older eyes of mine, it all looks ...perfect. They flew home last night. My daughter called me today and said my only grandchild seemed happy to be back home, evidently rushing to her favorite toy immediately upon entering. I guess she kept her mom and dad up well past her normal sleep time with chatter and talk that sounds more like gibberish that an 18 month old child would speak. I like to think if it could be translated, she was telling her dad what a great time she had and how wonderful her papa was.

Google is doing something with search results. That is the buzz online and proved by my loss of position with some very important keywords. All seo forums that I have read thus far border on comments that run from "hang the bums" to "let's wait and see". Explanations of why there has been such a drastic change in ranks are varied but without solid proof. I am going to hold onto the hope that keeping new listings available at the consumers fingertips, providing up-to-date information about the Florida real estate market and trends and not duplicating the same old tired stuff Realtors have been using for years on their site, will gain the blessing of all the search engine gods and allow me to be seen by the searching masses.

I'm guessing:

That being sued by the Department of Justice is not a good thing....(I'm not the one being sued, well not directly, search NAR and the Department of Justice for info)...

More Realtor sites have the Realtor's picture on them than the mls search ability....

That real haunted houses take Halloween off.....

That the reported bird flu case in Greece caught the attention of several Watson Realtors.....

That I need to blog more.........

Related Florida real estate views:

I went searching for a bank and found a Neopet

What is Google trying to say?

I... uh, lost my password, yeah...that's it.

- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407-304-0255

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