Jul 12, 2005

First time blogger, long time Realtor

Hello from Central Florida.

This is my first "real" blog post. I have one other that shows up on Google. That was my "I'm not really sure what I am doing, lets make a blog" accident blog. I had forgotten all about it 'til Google indexed it.

The whole internet marketing venue is exciting to me. I have spent several months working and reworking and updating my site at http://www.gregstaker.com/ in order to provide all my current, former and new customers the best possible online marketing and information source. It took me over 2 years to understand that a website of any real value needs to be more than pretty colors and a cute "catch phrase". Since December 2004 I have been linking, adding content, adding keywords, changing keywords, changing design, cursing, laughing and learning what it takes to have a presence online.

Change is good, bad, misunderstood, ignored and appreciated depending on who you ask. I remember when MLS books were in their dying last days. No way in God's green world of "location, location, location" could a fancy dancy computer thingie provide the real estate customer with reliable information and at the same speed as the good old book could, or so thought the Realtors so against giving up their MLS books. And here we are. Change was indeed good.

Now that I have moved a step deeper into the world of online communication by creating this blog, hopefully in the days, months and years to come I will be able to post here some of the insight, facts, myths and figures of being a Realtor in Florida and the Florida real estate market. I hope it is entertaining and useful to all that visit.

Related Florida real estate views:

Let me take you back, way back, back into time.

Imagine an entire real estate office blogging

Kissimmee agents enter the blog world

- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407-304-0255

1 comment:

Aaron said...

I will be able to post here some of the insight, facts, myths and figures of being a Realtor in Florida and the Florida real estate market. I hope it is entertaining and useful to all that visit.

I think this is a great idea! Congratulations on seizing the opportunity.

There is so much for a buyer or seller to know. I hope that many people find your site a valuable resource!