Nov 20, 2005

Florida real estate bubble

There seems to be a lot of different explanations and thoughts on the recent change in the market.

I like to compare what is going on to a baseball runner who tried to turn a single into a double and gets caught between bases. Over the last year or so, we were hitting for extra bases every time up when listing property. Prices seemed to rise everyday. Over the last few months it would seem that the record price increases have slowed or leveled off. The problem is some homeowners and Realtors were slow to recognize this new trend and continued to try getting an extra base or two. Caught in between, they now are confused and unsure which way to go.

A professional Realtor who knows his/her market is prepared for this. They know how to get their customer back safely on a base by needed price adjustments. They also know how to avoid these rundowns by keeping prices in line with what the market is currently dictating, getting a good solid hit or sale as it is in this case, is realized because of the skill and confident advice a Realtor gives to the newest homeowner seeking to sell.

Florida real estate view:

University of Florida predicts Florida residents will keep their money in their wallet

National real estate market nowhere near the bottom?

Smart home sellers listen to what the market is telling them.

- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407-304-0255

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