Jun 14, 2010

If there is something about your real estate transaction that does not seem right, talk to an attorney.

The contracts that we use in Florida to sell real estate are legally binding documents. They were created to address the issues, concerns and requirements buyers and sellers should be aware of when buying or selling a home. As a result of repetition, practice and training, real estate agents should have a very good understanding of what is written in the contracts and can direct a buyer or seller to a specific addendum, clause or paragraph that might address their concerns or questions.

A buyer or seller should never rely on anyone other than an attorney for legal advice however. If you are not comfortable with or fully understand what you are agreeing to we strongly encourage you to talk to an attorney before proceeding. You should think twice before letting someone other than an attorney create special clauses or wording that are to be added to your contract.

I am quick to let buyers and sellers know that if there is something about your real estate transaction that does not seem right, talk to an attorney.

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