Oct 3, 2009

3 common code violations in Casselberry

In any community neighbors should respect their fellow neighbors and maintain their property in a manner that does not distract from the beauty of the community or reduces the enjoyment and or value of the community as a whole.

In Casselberry, the city will use code enforcement to make sure everyone works towards the same goal of maintaining property values, safety and overall appearance and condition. 3 common code violations in Casselberry are:

  1. Failure to take care of your yard. The grass needs to be cut, fallen limbs and brush needs to be picked up and disposed of.
  2. Not getting rid of the broken down clunker. Disabled and/or unlicensed vehicles have a home in the junk yard and not your front yard.
  3. Allowing trash to collect. Trash belongs in a can and not all over your lawn or neighborhood.

You can visit Casselberry's information page to find 7 other common code enforcement violations.

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