Dec 26, 2008

Hunting land for sale

Search for land

Can you find hunting land for sale in Central Florida? Sure you can. Right now there are over 20 listings of land described as being suitable for hunting. Several are over 100 acres!

If you are interested in purchasing land for hunting, contact me to receive a free list.

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1 comment:

BigBuck_hunter said...

For every hunter owning a hunting land is best dream ever. A great deal of freedom and control comes with owning your own personal hunting land. If you buy the land, it is yours to control exclusively until you die or until you sell it. No one can take it away as long as you keep making the payments. It is a good investment for your money as well. However there several dowside when owning hunting land such as the amount of time and attention. Someone needs to patrol it, someone needs to work with the government on farm programs, someone needs to plant the food plots, someone needs to buy equipment and perform basic maintenance on the property, someone needs to work with timber buyers, etc.