Mar 9, 2007

Home not selling? What does your agent say?

Have you had your home on the market for 30 days? 60? 90? Maybe you have been on the market waiting for the "right" buyer for over 4 months or longer. What does your agent say when they provide you feedback? Let's examine some of the feedback you may have received.

  • No buyers have viewed the home. Well it could be that your home was never placed in the MLS, or no advertisement was ever done or no open houses have been held or time as we know it stopped at the exact moment you listed your could be that with over 26,000 homes for sale in the 4 county area of Volusia, Osceola, Orange and Seminole that there are homes of similar size, quality and location as yours priced better. Real buyers are buying. They are not missing out on homes that are priced to sell. If your real estate agent has not shown you recent pending and sales in your area since you listed the home, make them show you. Homes are selling.
  • The agents all say it is priced ok. This is one that I heard today. An agent in office said that their listing cannot be over priced because feed back from all the agents who showed the home did not indicate it was over priced. News flash, the agent is not buying your home! The buyer who is with the agent is and if they did not ask their agent to present you with an offer, then they have made a decision on your price. I wanted to dig deeper with my agent who made this comment so I asked, "well then if it is not the price, why haven't the buyers made an offer"? The yard is small and the 4th bedroom is not functional was the reply. BAM, that is value speak for, "The home is not priced correctly". My associate was viewing the home as if those items were not a problem. Today’s market dictates more that just a square footage/location analysis. I pointed this out and they finally got it. Hopefully we will be seeing a price reduction this week.
  • It takes time. Don't take this at face value. Here is where a company with a strong marketing plan coupled with proper pricing will prove that statement wrong time and time again. Homes are selling within a day, a week, a month and well within the average days on the market statistic of 90 days in this area. Make sure you have your home positioned to take advantage of the available buyers in the market place today.

It is true that the market is much different than it was in 2004 and 2005. A savvy homeowner and real estate agent know that testing the waters with pricing needs to be done so with caution. Carefully watching the market and making the necessary adjustments to price can be all the difference from a home selling to a home getting "stale" on the market.

Related Florida real estate view:

Does your agent have enough money to advertise your home?

This home “won’t last” is now at 612 days and counting

Free report on why your home did not sell.

- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407304-0255

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