Sep 27, 2005

I wonder.....

....if all those people who call and talk to the Realtors handling floor or opportunity time about houses ever end up finding those lost relatives and friends they were "just looking for" when asked by the Realtor if they would like to schedule an appointment? many people would sign up for real estate school if they knew it was a commissioned based business?

....if Donald Trump holds a real estate license?

....if there was a single listing service prior to the multiple one? fast can 1 termite eat a 8' - 2X4?

....did all those real estate speakers and coaches, while still selling real estate, really practice what they preach?

....where I can buy a house for a dollar?

....if an ocean dried up, who would own the land?

I read that if you type in the word failure in google, the 1st result is a Pres. Bush site. The power of linking is the reason I hear. If I say please, will everyone reading this, link the words "Florida real estate" to Please? Thanks a bazillion.

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- Greg Staker Watson Realty Corp. 407-304-0255

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