Sep 16, 2008

Watson Realty aggressively seeks new home buyers

The agents of Watson Realty Corp. are not content with simply waiting for the Florida real estate market to improve. A major direct mail campaign is being followed up with calls to all the recipients of the postcard announcing the $7500 tax credit.

Over the next 3 months our agents will be phoning those customers that have been targeted to receive the postcard making sure they did receive it and answering any questions that the customer may have about the tax credit program and buying a home.

This proactive approach will help to inform and educate potential home buyers as to why may in fact be a good time to purchase a home. It can be a win-win for future home buyers and our current and future home sellers as we aggressively seek out buyers for their homes.

If you would like more information on how Watson Realty can help you buy or sell a home, call or email me.

Related Florida real estate views:

Do I qualify for a first time home buyer tax credit?

Direct mail campaign for first time home buyers

Can I afford to buy a home?

- Greg Staker - Watson Realty Corp. - 407-304-0255


Sharon Alters said...

Hi Greg, isn't this exciting that we are being proactive? Found your blog on my Google alert for Watson :). Hope all is going well down in Kissimmee.

Greg Staker said...

Yes it is Sharon. Kissimmee's real estate market is primarily short sales and REO. We have a lot of great deals for these first time home buyers.