May 27, 2009

If you are considering purchasing a home or condo as a vacation, second, short-term rental home, what questions should you be asking?

Are you considering the purchase of a home or condo in Central Florida to use as a second home or vacation home and then rent it out when you are not using it? If so there are several questions you should make sure you have the answers to including:

  • Is this a good time to buy? Are there advantages to purchasing a home or condo now or is waiting a better alternative?
  • Is the asking price of the property to high? What do recent comparables and market trends indicate the value of the property to be?
  • How is the rental market? When you are not there what is the anticipated vacancy rate? What are the rental rates for the area? What will it cost to hire a property managing company?

These are all questions that should be answered to your complete satisfaction before you make an offer on a second or vacation home. To assist you in finding the answers to those questions and more, I suggest you speak to one of our short term rental experts and have them assist you with gathering all of the information you need to make an informed, well thought out decision. Contact me today for a free consultation.

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